- August 1985 | Dairy Sued Over Jobs
- January 2016 | 7 Qs with Lisa Miller, Esq. Featuring Carla Barboza
- January 1994 | This Worker Sued Boss & She Lost
- July 1998 | Court Upholds Immigrants’ Rights in the Workplace
- July/August 1996 | Harassment & Discrimination: Evaluation of the Case & the Client
- March 1996 | Plaintiff’s Attorney Advises Tough Stance and Early Preparation in Harrassment Cases
- March 1998 | With Sexual-Harassment Ruling, State Enhances Its Workers’-Rights Image
- March 1998 |‘Supervisor’ Defined Broadly in Harass Case
- March 2006 | Style Citings: A Monthly Look at Lawyers and Personal Style
- May 1994 | Work Force Diversity: EEOC: The Mill Grinds Slowly
- May 2018 | Meet Carla Barboza of Barboza & Associates in Downtown Los Angeles
- November 1999 | Bridging Sides
- October 2009 | CELA Member Profile: Carla Barboza
- September 1994 | Reports of Sexual Harassment at DWP Emerging